What is Periferia Projects?

Periferia Projects is a curatorial platform creating connections from Latin America and other emerging markets to the UK and Europe, developing projects with artists from emerging hubs to enhance their visibility and promote collaboration with new galleries, artists and institutions. We provide curatorial advice for acquisitions and exhibitions. 

Periferia Projects also acts as an art consultancy and is particularly interested on encouraging new collectors to experience the creative involvement of starting an art collection. We advice on decisions regarding art history and aesthetic coherence inside collections taking into account the best choice to improve investments. 

Periferia Projects provides support for art project management, art market and portfolios research. We collaborate with a great range of international consultants, experts in emerging markets to expand our client’s network locally and globally. 

Lassla Esquivel Durand (Mexico City / London)

UK-based art historian, curator, consultant and researcher. She has an MA in History and Business of the Contemporary Art Market by the University of Warwick. She is a specialist in contemporary art and the art market. Her expertise and research interests are currently focused in emerging markets, particularly on the regions of Latin America and the Middle East; while investigating private museums’ models and its role within the art market. Also, she is keen studying and writing about the art market structures and its transition into the digital environments considering the partnerships and hybrid business models being developed in the last few years. She is also interested in gender studies and female artists in the art market.

In 2015 she founded Periferia Projects, a curatorial platform which aims to link emerging markets, especially in Latin America with the UK and Europe in order to promote collaborations between galleries, artists and institutions. She has curated exhibitions and produced cultural projects in Mexico, Colombia, United Arab Emirates, UK, France, Hungary, Japan, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Australia. Her commercial pursuits consist of institutions like Enrique Guerrero Gallery (Mexico City), Shaped in Mexico (London) and she has collaborated with not for profit projects and organisations like PAC (Contemporary Art Patronage, Mexico City) Bold Tendencies (London), Edge of Arabia (London) and Barbican (London).

She has taught in different institutions postgraduate programmes such as Arts and Cultural Management at IESA arts and culture in Paris; she was tutor and lecturer of the specialisation Art Business at the MSc programme Art, Law and Business at Christie’s Education in London and she led the first professionalisation course of Curatorial Studies at Art and Skills Institute (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia). Her most recent research has been published by Routledge in the anthology: Art Museums of Latin America Structuring Representation. She is undertaking a PhD at the University of Leeds with the project: The Role of Private Museums in Emerging Markets. Case studies: Júmex Museum and CIAC Foundation in Mexico.


Beatriz Forti (São Paulo / Paris) 

Architect, independent curator and cultural producer. She has a MBA in Arts and Cultural Management from Paris School of Business and Institut d'Etudes Supérieures d'Art, where she started a research about the influence of private patronage to public museums.

After working for seven years in São Paulo as an architect and interior design producer, she reoriented towards art experiences. In Paris, she joined the communication team of Fondation Carmignac and afterwards moving to the press team of Fondation Cartier. In this institution, she has moved to its mediation team and currently she is part of its curatorial team.


She has co-curated shows in Paris recently working with international artists promoting their work in France. She promotes emerging artists, mainly from Latin America. Part of her activities includes consulting for artists, helping with communication strategy, connecting with galleries and reviewing portfolios.

Her aim is to go deeper into communication to create bridges between artists, galleries, cultural places and public.
